The technical work in the studio is divided as follows:

'Panel' Studio Manager
(balance and control - the term derives from 'mixing panel', the old-fashioned name for the studio desk);

'Grams' Studio Manager
(playing pre-recorded effects on disk and tape, as well as gramophone records); and

'Spot Effects' Studio Manager
(live effects in the studio).

It has not been possible to assemble full show-by-show credits for the technical staff who worked on the Goon Shows over the years, as no official records have been kept (apart from occasional credits on the fronts of scripts, and in a few closing announcements at the ends of series); and at this point in time those involved cannot remember accurately which shows they worked on.
The information which follows lists the main team of Studio Managers for each series, but in some cases members of this team were replaced owing to leave, sickness, etc.

  • 1st series
    no details available; it appears that there was no regular team.

  • 2nd series
    'technical supervision' of the series (i.e. panel SM) is credited to Keith Fell in the closing announcement of the last show.

  • 3rd Series
    Panel - John Browell (who later produced the 9th and lOth series)

  • 4th & 5th Series
    Grams - Ian Cook
    Spot - John Hamilton (David Allen on some shows)

  • 'The Starlings'
    Panel - Harry Green
    Grams - Barry Wilson, assisted by Ron Belchier

  • 6th, 7th & 8th Series
    Panel - Bobby Jaye
    Grams - Ian Cook
    Spot - Ron Belchier

  • 9th series
    Panel - Brian Willey
    Gram - Ian Cook
    Spot - Harry Morriss